Just Finished Fostering Kittens? 3 Ways To Get Your Carpet Looking Like New

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Adopting a kitten can be a rewarding experience if you enjoy taking care of cats, but it can come with a lot of wear and tear on your carpet. While you may have gone through the effort of dedicating an entire room specifically for the kittens to stay in, you may not be ready for the amount of cleaning that is required after they've left. While it is certainly helpful to clean periodically during the time that you're fostering kittens, you will need to do a thorough cleaning after they've left your home.

Pay Close Attention to the Carpet Near the Litter Box

One area that you need to deep clean is anywhere near the litter boxes. While it may be preferable to have the litter box on tile or other bare floors that are easier to sweep, you may not have had the option if you confine the kittens into a single room that has carpet. Getting cat litter out of your carpet isn't as simple as running a vacuum over it. In fact, you need to use a handheld vacuum attachment that will allow you to reach in between the carpet fibers and around the trim.

Steam Clean Everything for a Thorough Clean

The best way to give your carpet a completely clean look without any evidence that kittens were there is with the help of steam cleaning. While it is possible to buy or rent your own steam cleaning machine, it's generally best to leave it to the professionals as they can do it quickly and with great results.

If you know when you're going to stop fostering kittens, you can make it more convenient by scheduling the appointment for steam cleaning well in advance and ask for a quote. On average, you should expect to pay between $25 to $75 for an entire room.

Freshen Up the Carpet with Deodorizer Powder

One of the most important things to do when getting your carpets cleaned after you finished fostering kittens is take care of removing any unpleasant odors. While you may be able to make your carpets look like new, it can be difficult to remove bad smells, especially since the kittens were just getting familiar with using a litter box.

A DIY method for deodorizing your carpets include sprinkling baking soda mixed with a few drops of essential oils onto the carpet. After letting it rest for 15 minutes, you can follow up with a thorough vacuuming to help deodorize space.

Fostering kittens demands that you develop a space for them, but it can often be confusing figuring out how to make your carpets look like new once they've left. For the deepest clean, follow the steps above and look into what's involved in hiring a professional for deep cleaning your home. More about this topic, carpet cleaning, can be found here.
